The Lexington Convention was not my first LWML convention. My first convention was in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1999 when I attended as one of two Young Women Representatives from the Rocky Mountain District. My life has changed quite a bit in the last 22 years but I still remember the joy and excitement I felt attending that first convention. I am still in awe of the way God works through the LWML to touch lives around the world. I still find amazing joy in being together with my LWML friends from all around the world. Our 2021 YWRs would like to share their convention experience will all of you.
Debbie Yocky
LWML Rocky Mountain District President
While attending the LWML convention in Lexington this summer as a YWR I was filled up in so many subtle ways. To see so many God fearing women gathered together was inspiring in and of itself. One of the most meaningful moments for me was worshipping with so many women and looking around and feeling a closeness to these women even though most I did not know. To hear so many people worshipping the Lord – I felt a yearning for the new creation that is to come where we all will be together with Jesus. Despite having just met most of them – I felt connected in that we are the church.
Getting to hear about the amazing work that is being done throughout the world with the funds gathered by the LWML through the provision of the Lord I feel more inspired to find ways to serve in my local community. I enjoyed the speakers at the convention and the Lord used the time I spent there to give me hope and energy to continue on in the race. At times in my walk with the Lord I have felt alone and discouraged but the convention showed me that there is community out there and so many people giving their lives to serve the Lord.
Abby Bridgette
Western Zone
Way back in January, my church’s LWML group president contacted me about applying to become a Young Women’s Representative for the LWML National Convention. Before then, I had been aware of LWML, knew that it was a national organization that funded missions, but I hadn’t really understood what that truly meant. Sometimes I would help with little activities, like putting together baby baskets to send somewhere or turning in mite boxes occasionally. But I had never truly been aware of what exactly the LWML did. When I attended the National Convention in June as a YWR, I started to realize just how vast the LWML’s reach extended. I had just been handed an opportunity to learn more and network with people who wanted to encourage me in my walk with Christ.
As a college student, finding others my age with the same convictions and morals as I has been exceedingly difficult. I was starting to become discouraged in my faith as I stepped farther and farther into the world and saw how much it was falling toward sin. But going to the LWML convention, seeing the sheer number of people that believed in Jesus Christ and wanted to support the spread of the gospel—all the same things I was hoping and looking to do—lifted my spirits and encouraged me in a way that I had only heard about before.
The sheer number of people that came was amazing and inspiring. Those I met assured me my convictions were in the right direction and encouraged me to continue my race, both in life and in faith. Not only that, the range of ages I saw at the convention was inspiring. Women even younger than I happily communed, chatted, and worshiped with those far older than they. Social barriers had no place under the cross.
The past year has been difficult, for some more than others. At times it seemed like help was farther away than I could reach. But the experiences at the LWML National Convention proved that I never have to look farther than my neighbor for aid. For we have an all-powerful, all-knowing God beside us and thousands of cheerleaders on our side, just as He is with everyone and we are everyone else’s cheerleader as well.
Stella Shoultz
Four Corners Zone